Why urban foxes are particularly active around Christmas
In a recent BBC London interview with an professional fox controller , he revealed that the festive period is when he gets the most call-outs from people experiencing problems with urban foxes.
The reason is because of the huge amount of food that we throw out over Christmas and New Year. This is a problem throughout the year, but it’s particularly excessive around the end of December.
Don’t attract foxes with Christmas food waste
Due to the way the holidays fall, it also means that many bin collection schedules are disrupted, resulting in strong-smelling food waste sat around for longer than usual – a fox’s dream scenario.
Wherever possible, try and secure your rubbish in wheelie bins, dustbins with lids or anything that avoids simply dumping an easily-accessible black bag on the street.
If you’re cooking a chicken or turkey in aluminium foil, try wrapping the leftover carcass in that foil before throwing it away, just to minimise the smell.
The same goes for recyclable waste – thoroughly rinsing and securing will make it far less attractive to your local foxes.
Try and avoid throwing food out for birds
It’s also tempting at this time of year to give the birds a treat, throwing out some tasty Chrimbo kitchen scraps out onto the lawn or patio.
However, it’s not just the birds that will be pleased. Foxes, cats, rats and mice will also be equally delighted to partake in the leftovers that you lovingly spent hours preparing.
If you are planning to feed the birds, then try and stick to bird seed in hanging feeders or up high on a bird table. (These make good Christmas presents too!)
It’s always advisable to keep food off the ground is always best, especially if you have foxes in the area. Otherwise they could treat it as an open invitation to come into your garden!
If you know someone who suffers from urban foxes invading their garden then please let them know about the FoxWatch Ultrasonic Deterrent. A humane and non-lethal way of keeping foxes away that would also make an excellent stocking present!