The Top 10 Fox Deterrents UK for keeping foxes away
The ultimate fox deterrents for getting you the best results in keeping foxes away.
The ultimate fox deterrents for getting you the best results in keeping foxes away.
The Cleanrth TSAR550 is an ultrasonic fox deterrent that protects your garden from foxes 24/7.
Using high-pitched sounds that are beyond the range of human hearing, the fox learns to associate your garden with these irritating and uncomfortable noises.
After installation you will see less and less of the fox, until it stops entering your garden completely.
No need to spray anything. Easy to install. Completely humane. The Cleanrth TSAR550 is the USA’s most popular automated fox deterrent, offering long term fox protection for your garden.
If you’re in the USA and you’ve been experiencing problems with foxes coming into your garden, then it’s probably safe to say that you’ve had enough of the pooing, digging and destruction, and you’re looking for something to stop it.
Foxes are particularly persistent creatures that place great importance on securing their territories. The main way they do this is by ‘scent-marking’ – pooing and spraying urine in prominent places to signal to neighbouring foxes that the territory is occupied.
Foxes are notoriously reluctant to give up their territories without a fight. So when it comes to deterring them with traditional scented repellents, people usually stop putting in the effort long before the fox has been deterred.
The main reason for people’s failure to deter foxes is because foxes need to face a sustained and persistent period of deterrence in order to get them to change their habits and stay away from your garden.
Too often, people buy a scented repellent, spray it around their garden a once or twice and think that should be enough. However, once or twice is not enough. Smells quickly fade, especially after rain, and the fox will be back again having considered the scented deterrent a brief inconvenience rather than a reason to stay away for good.
Normal service will quickly resume.
The successful way to use a scented deterrent is too apply it in your garden every couple of days for at least 2 weeks. This keeps the smell strong and is long enough to cause behavioural change in the fox, teaching it to associate your garden with the horrible smell (usually citronella).
The main problem with this method is that you’ve got to remember to get out in your garden regularly to apply this stuff.
What if it’s raining? What if you’re busy at work or with family? What about during vacations?
There are a large number of reasons why you might not be able to get into your garden as often as you need in order to successfully keep the fox away.
Even if you do manage to apply a scented deterrent and temporarily get rid of the fox, what happens in 2 or 3 months when the fox tries its luck again and discovers that the horrible smell has gone? You have to go through the whole process all over again.
Surely there must be an easier way?
The Cleanrth Ultrasonic Deterrent is a much easier alternative to traditional scented fox repellents because you don’t need to do anything else after you’ve set it up.
Installation is simple. All you need to do is screw in the plastic stake into the bottom of the unit, connect the included mains adapter (or 2 x 9 volt batteries – not included) and switch it on.
When the fox enters your garden and crosses the Cleanrth’s motion sensor, the unit lets out a few sharp bursts of high-pitched noise. This noise is like a fox burglar alarm, or the fox equivalent of scratching your fingernails down a chalkboard.
Each time the fox tries to enter your garden (and it will keep trying) it triggers the alarm. This causes the fox to change its behaviour – associating your garden with the horrible noise and learning to go somewhere else.
The Cleanrth TSAR550 will continue to do this every single time, regardless of the time of day or whether you’re in or out. You don’t need to remember to be out in your garden or do anything inconvenient that you haven’t got time for. The Cleanrth sits in your yard doing the hard work for you.
To get the best results from the Cleanrth Fox Repeller, try and find the place where the fox enters your garden and set up the unit facing that area.
The entry point is important because it means the fox will trigger the ultrasonic noises the moment it tries to enter your garden. This will be more effective and lead to quicker results than if the fox was allowed further into your garden before encountering the deterrent.
The Cleanrth unit comes with a power adapter (with 38ft cable) that you can plug into your electrical supply and it’s recommended by the manufacturer that you use it.
You can use 2 x 9 Volt batteries instead, but you then face the problem of having batteries go flat. If the batteries go flat and you don’t notice, the ultrasonic unit is effectively useless and the foxes won’t be facing a deterrent.
If you don’t have a plug socket nearby, it’s a good idea to get an extension cable that is suitable for use outside. You will get much better results using the power adapter.
Priced around $70, with mounting stake and including a 9V DC 500mA power adapter, the Cleanrth TSAR550 uses a triple scan infrared sensor that can detect foxes up to 66ft away in a 120 degree arc, which is suitable for all types of garden.
Low maintenance and very effective, the Cleanrth TSAR550 Ultrasonic Repeller has quickly become one of America’s most efective ways of keeping foxes away.
If you’re reading this article, then you’ve obviously got a dog that’s known in the trade as a ‘roller’. This article explains what to use to clean your dog to get rid of the smell of fox poo, why dogs do this and how to stop them doing it again in future.
When you have foxes in your local area then a normally simple task, such as letting your dog into the garden or off the leash in the local park, can quickly turn into a smelly nightmare.
You’ve got to try and intercept them before they bring the poo into the house (or in the car) and then find a way of getting them into the bath without getting it on yourself.
All in all, it’s a horrible and time consuming job and after all that effort, there’s no guarantee that your regular dog shampoo will actually get rid of the stink.
So what can you use to wash your dog instead?
As you know, fox poo is particularly pungent and the smell can linger even after you’ve washed your dog.
This is because a lot of dog shampoos don’t contain any form of deodoriser, so though the germs may be gone, the disgusting smell still remains – not nice for you and your family, even if your dog doesn’t mind!
What you need is a dog shampoo that is tough enough to get rid of the germs and remove the smell, while also remaining kind to your dog’s skin.
Animology is a British brand that specialises in pet care products and they have developed a fox poo-specific shampoo to use on dogs.
Not only does the shampoo contain the all-important deodoriser for getting rid of the foul smell of fox poo, the formula also is low on lather so that it’s easy to rinse, therefore avoiding the long drawn out process of trying to get all the suds out under the shower. This should be particularly reassuring for those with long-haired dogs.
The in-built conditioner, containing Pro Vitamin B5, ensures that the coat will be left soft, shiny and smelling much nicer, enabling you to let your dog near you again without wincing.
The Animology Fox Poo Shampoo is suitable for all breeds of dog and is gentle enough to be used on puppies.
There’s no definitive answer on why dogs love rolling in fox poo, cow pats, dead animals and other things we find disgusting. However it is worth noting that just because you find a certain smell unpleasant, it doesn’t mean your dog does.
Other members of the Canidae family, like foxes, place great importance on the smell of faeces ranging from territory marking to reminders of where food is buried.
It’s quite possible that the desire to roll in something smelly is a leftover instinct passed down from your dog’s ancestors as a way of showing the other members of the pack where they had been that day.
Alternatively, it could be as a way of disguising its own smell from prey, enabling the dogs to sneak up without being detected.
Dog behaviouralists are keen to point out that a dog rolling around in poo is not doing something strange or abnormal. It’s annoying to you the owner, but in terms of dog behaviour, it’s perfectly acceptable.
In order to discourage your dog from rolling in poo, then you could try a remote activated dog collar, whereby you press a button that causes a vibration in the dog’s collar when it is doing something you dislike.
Alternatively, you could just make a loud disapproving noise every time your dog does it so that it begins to associate rolling in poo with your displeasure.
If your dog likes to roll in fox poo in your garden, then the best way to stop it happening again is to get to the source of the problem and deter foxes from coming into your garden.
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