Scoot Fox Repellent – Trick foxes into keeping out of your garden

If foxes are fouling, digging and causing damage in your garden, then  Scoot Fox Repellent [aff] is a very effective way of getting them to stop and keeping them away.

Scoot is a scent-based fox deterrent that is designed to be sprayed around your garden in order to protect plants, flowerbeds, lawns, patios, decking and other problem areas. It specifically targets foxes’ sense of smell and works by tricking them into believing another animal is trying to take over their territory.

In this article, we’ll look in more detail at how Scoot works and how you can use it effectively to reduce the frustrating fox problems that have been plaguing your garden.

Foxes ‘scent-mark’ their territories

Foxes are territorial animals who use their scent to mark their territories and send messages to other foxes letting them know the area is occupied. This scent-marking normally consists of fouling or spraying urine in prominent places around their territory (a.k.a. your garden).

If you’ve ever wondered why a fox chooses to poo right in the centre of your lawn or on a paving slab or patio, marking territory is the likely reason. These prominent places provide the maximum opportunity for neighbouring foxes to smell the message and realise they need to stay away.

Every day, foxes will do the rounds of their territory topping up their scent and double-checking that no new rival scents have appeared in the area. Basically, foxes are comforted by the presence of their own smell. It means their territory is safe and they are not facing a possible confrontation with another fox.

This is where Scoot comes into play.

Creating a false scent mark

Spraying Scoot Fox Repellent around your garden disrupts a fox’s sense of well-being because it creates a false scent-mark that covers up the fox’s scent.

So when a fox returns to your garden after it has been sprayed with Scoot, the fox will immediately notice this new smell has replaced its own. This realisation raises the fox’s stress levels and causes it to instinctively think a rival is trying to take over the territory.

In retaliation to this threat, the fox will probably try to mark its territory again (by fouling or spraying) in order to ‘out-scent’ the rival and regain control. You then need to go back out in your garden a couple of days after your initial spray to reapply Scoot. This will ensure the concentration levels of the new smell are high so that when the fox returns to check the area again, the rival scent (and therefore the threat) is still there.

Repeat this process a few times and after a short while, the fox will feel it has lost the battle to control your garden and will move elsewhere to avoid a potential conflict.

How to use Scoot Fox Repellent

So while the science behind how Scoot Fox Repellent works might sound a little long-winded, actually using it in your garden is very simple.

Each box of Scoot contains 2 x 50g sachets of powder. Each 50g sachet diluted with 9 litres of water covers an area of 16m2.

For smaller gardens, or for increased concentration, you can reduce the amount of water added down to a minimum of 2.5 litres.

The less water you use, the higher the concentration and effectiveness of the scent, but the trade-off is that a more concentrated solution won’t cover such a large area. Also worth bearing in mind is that 9 litres of water is much heavier to lift than 2.5 litres.

If you’re unsure, add around 5 litres of water and see if this is enough to cover the areas in need of protection.

The short video below shows how simple it is to get started with Scoot Fox Repellent.

Use a pump action sprayer

The most convenient way to distribute Scoot around your garden is to use a Pump Action Pressure Sprayer [aff].

You can pour a sachet of Scoot straight into the chamber of the sprayer and then top it up with water to the dilution level of your choice. Most pressure sprayers come with graduated measurements in litres or fluid ounces, so you can see exactly how much water you’re putting in.

Pump action pressure sprayers also have a spraying wand and trigger, allowing you to spray the solution evenly around your garden and in hard-to-reach areas without much effort.

Alternatively, you can dilute and distribute Scoot using a watering can, though this is really only recommended for very small areas.

Spray Scoot multiple times

The biggest mistake people make with Scoot (and fox repellents in general) is to use it once and think that’s all they need to do. However, as we discussed above, foxes are persistent with their scent-marking and don’t simply disappear at the first sign of trouble.

When you spray Scoot for the first time, the fox is alerted to a perceived new threat in its territory. Rather than surrender immediately, it will respond by marking the territory again to re-establish control. If you then do nothing, the fox will think it has scared off the intruder and treat the situation as a mild inconvenience. Normal service (i.e. damage to your garden) will quickly resume.

So, it’s very important that you spray Scoot multiple times – ideally every 2-3 days for a couple of weeks. This will maintain the concentration levels of the scent and give the fox the impression that the new intruder is a serious and permanent threat.

It is through this consistency that the fox will start to change its behaviour and begins to look for a safer area outside your garden. Visits will gradually reduce and the digging, fouling and damage will become less problematic as the fox seeks to avoid confrontation.

A recommended, eco-friendly deterrent

Following the banning of the popular, but environmentally-questionable, fox deterrent Renardine in 2005, Scoot has become an incredibly popular alternative. Whereas Renardine was banned for concerns to health and to the environment, Scoot is biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a very safe option for use in gardens.

This is important as it means Scoot can be sprayed safely on plants, lawns and flowerbeds without fear of damaging your garden or causing harm to pets and wildlife.

We recommend using a product called ‘Scoot’. Used as directed, this works. Rather than get caught out, foxes just stay away.

Scoot has been recommended by the likes of Chris Packham – in his book Back Garden Nature Reserve [aff] – and by The Fox Project Charity, as a humane deterrent that is effective and kind to flora and fauna.

If you have fox problems in your garden then consider using Scoot Fox Repellent as a means of protecting your garden and encouraging foxes to go elsewhere.

Scoot Fox Repellent – FAQs

Yes, Scoot is a pet-friendly product.

Scoot non-toxic and doesn’t contain any nasty chemicals that harm animals or wildlife. It doesn’t cause any ‘harm’ to foxes either. It’s simply a humane way of making foxes think they need to move on from the area.

Domestic cats and dogs do not need to rely on claiming territory in the same way wild urban foxes do and therefore will not be affected by Scoot. It wont make them run away or unwilling to go out into the garden or anything unpleasant like that.

Yes, Scoot is safe for use on plants and lawns.

In fact, it’s specifically designed to help protect plants, flowerbeds, potted plants and grass from being dug up, damaged or fouled on by foxes.

Scoot is biodegradable and plant-friendly, so it does need to reapplied after heavy rainfall in order to remain effective.

No, Scoot is formulated to deter foxes only.

Ideally you should aim to spray Scoot every 2 or 3 days for a couple of weeks.

This will provide a sustained, concentrated scent which will send the message to the fox that it has lost control of the territory. Only spraying Scoot once or twice runs the risk of the fox thinking it has won the battle and the ‘intruder’ has given up and gone somewhere else.

A Scoot Fox Repellent Multipack [aff] contains 8 x 50g sachets, which would enable you to spray Scoot around your garden every other day for just over a fortnight. This would be considered an ideal, effective treatment for deterring a persistent fox.

The most effective places to spray Scoot are:

  • The place where the fox enters your garden. This ensures it smells the new scent immediately.
  • Places the fox has fouled or scent-marked previously. Foxes tend to scent-mark in the same spots so spraying Scoot there will quickly cause the fox to think it’s under threat.
  • Places the fox has dug up previously. If digging holes has been a problem in your garden then spraying Scoot on these areas will ensure the fox smells the new scent and may also help prevent the fox digging again.

The size of your garden will obviously determine where else you can spray Scoot, but prominent areas like fence posts, trees, garden furniture and around the perimeter of your garden are all areas where a new rival is likely to spray its scent. The greater the coverage, the more likely the fox will get the message.

Deterring foxes is not an exact science and the speed with which you can deter a fox can depends on a number of factors. For example, foxes that pass through your garden will be easier to deter than foxes that live in your garden. A single fox is often quicker to move on than multiple foxes.

It’s important to note that you may initially start a ‘scent war’ as the resident fox tries to re-establish dominance over the new intruder, by spraying urine and fouling in the same areas. Foxes don’t often disappear overnight. However, this period won’t last long if you are consistent with your application of Scoot.

By spraying Scoot around your garden every 2 or 3 days for a couple of weeks, you should start to see a reduction in frequency and duration of the visits by the end of that period. The more the fox encounters Scoot each time it enters your garden, the more effectively it will learn to stay away in order to avoid a possible conflict with the new predator.

The main ingredient in Scoot is Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate (88%), which is a very common ingredient in animal deterrent products.

No, Scoot should only be applied in dry conditions and allowed to dry.

Scoot will need to be reapplied after very heavy rainfall or if rain occurs before the initial application has had time to dry.

Yes, Scoot can be sprayed on driveways, tarmac, concrete and other hard surfaces on the floor around cars in order to protect them from foxes getting underneath and chewing or jumping on top of them. However, it is not recommended that you spray Scoot directly onto your car’s bodywork.

No, there’s no particular scent that can be detected by a human nose. Foxes, on the other hand, have a much more sensitive sense of smell and are certainly able to detect it.

The undiluted Scoot powder should be kept out of reach of children and normal precautions should apply, as with any garden-related product.

However, once Scoot has been diluted with water, applied to the garden and allowed to dry, there is no manufacturer’s requirement for children to stay away from the area. More important is that any fox poo has been removed and the area cleaned, with children being encouraged to wash their hands after playing outside.

Scoot Fox Repellent is a Ministerially Approved Pesticide Product (MAPP), meaning it has received approval to be sold in the UK. All agricultural, horticultural and home garden products must receive a MAPP approval number before they are allowed to be commercially available in the UK.

No, unfortunately Scoot Fox Repellent is a British-made product and is not currently available in the USA.

However, a useful product that works in a similar way and is available in the US is bottled Wolf Urine [aff]

You can also read our article on the Top 10 Fox Deterrents USA.


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The FoxWatch Ultrasonic Fox DeterrentToo busy to spray Scoot around your garden? See how the FoxWatch Ultrasonic Deterrent could make your life easier…