
The Fox Repellent Expert Podcast

An occasional podcast covering the intriguing world of the urban fox.

Could a podcast be any more niche? Perhaps not, but that’s exactly what makes the medium of podcasting so fantastic. With so much of our lives spent looking at a screen, giving our eyes a break and immersing ourselves in an audio experience can be immensely satisfying.

The FRE Podcast aims to help you have a greater understanding of what’s going on with the foxes in your garden and how you can reduce some of the more challenging aspects of living among these fascinating creatures.

Putting these recordings together is very rewarding creatively and if at least one person out there in the ‘real world’ finds them helpful or entertaining, then that makes it all worthwhile!

You can view the list of episodes below or listen on your favourite podcast platform. I hope you enjoy!

Kind regards,

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Latest Episodes

Podcast 014 – February: Prepping for parenthood

The second in this series exploring what foxes are doing during each month of the year. February is. relatively quiet month in the world of the fox after the carnage of the mating season. The pregnant vixens are prepping for giving birth to their litter of cubs, while the males are putting their paws up taking it easy! Have a listen to this episode and see if this is what’s happening in your garden.

Podcast 013 – January: Fox mating season

The first of a new series looking at what foxes are up to during each month of the year. First up is January, which is an incredibly busy time of year due to the fact that it’s mating season for foxes. Expect copulation, territory protection and earth investigation during this month. Find out more by listening to this episode!

Podcast 006 – The Top 5 Fox Deterrents

The main role of a fox deterrent is to teach foxes to associate your garden with something irritating or negative. This will reduce the time they want to spend in your garden which, in turn, stops them causing the problems you’ve been finding such a nuisance. Here’s the top 5.